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Dorothy Rides the Piccadilly Line

If you've visited my blog before you may be aware of my feeling that photography is able to convey some of the magic and mystery of being on planet Earth. I've been in London this week with my students seeing various photography exhibitions. On Tuesday we travelled to the V&A for the Light from the Middle East exhibition, which is excellent incidentally. After seeing the show I had 20 minutes in the cafe with my friend Clare who works there, she mentioned that the iconic red shoes from The Wizard of Oz were there on display for a limited time if we wanted to see them. Unfortunately we didn't have time, but as a weird consolation, I spotted these worn by a 21st century Dorothy on the tube on the way back to the hotel.


Liam Lee said…
Such a wonderful photograph Marc, that stark contrast of 'Dorothy's Slippers...' The geometry in this capture seems almost too good to be true, and the slight tilt of the lady's left foot creates a nice shadow, allowing them to really 'pop.' It has wonderful story, as do most of your pictures, always showing just enough to create interest and spark the imagination. I wonder if, as you become a brilliant photographer (such as yourself!) whether these things just begin to appear naturally to you in everyday situations and you have developed the instinct to act upon them? Did you ask the lady to tilt her shoe? Did you ask people to stand in those positions? I wonder if there is beauty in everything at some level...
Marc said…
Ah many thanks Liam, like your observations, especially the bit about being a brilliant photographer! Personally I rarely stop scanning the world for potential photographs, and I guess the more you do that the more pictures you are able to frame and save. No intervention, just observation, there is definitely beauty and mystery everywhere in my opinion.

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