A quick addendum to yesterday's entry. I realised later that I wrote the whole thing without even mentioning who the architect of Sagrada FamÃlia was! Well it is of course Antoni Gaudi, the man responsible for much of Barcelona's visual excitement. Anyway that gives me the excuse to add a few more to the set, and if you missed yesterdays pictures they are here:
I knew the expression 'pins' referring to legs but had to Google what the Cockney rhyming slang comes from. It looks like 'pins & pegs', but there are some great alternatives like 'bacon & eggs' and 'dolly pegs'. I think I might start trying to incorporate more Cockney into my everyday speak, I do have London roots but they are more South (Saff) London than East London, where I think it originates. Anyway this is all to illustrate a new picture that sits quite neatly with an older picture. So brogues, legs and a sea view from my two main muses. This might be turning into a set... Oh by the way the top view is Morecambe Bay and the lower image is from The Wirral looking across towards Wales. The North West of England is a beautiful place, with some stylish residents.