I was in an insular state of mind earlier in the week as a result of spending several solitary hours working in my garden, thinking about growing things. I suppose it doesn't matter what type of creativity you involve yourself in, but when you are truly immersed in thought and experimentation the rest of the world recedes into a quiet hum whilst you focus on the task at hand. I couldn't snap out of this state so I decided to walk to Hulme to post a card through our old neighbours door, something I'd been meaning to do for days. I thought the 6 mile round trip would clear my head, I took pictures as I went (of course) and spent most of the walk thinking about the neighbours I was heading towards. They are two nuns, Sisters and sisters who were our neighbours for a couple of years and have remained friends ever since. Despite me being an atheist and them obviously having religious and theological beliefs at odds with that we get on incredibly well and can't stop talking when in each other's company. As soon as I'd posted the card I seemed to float back into the 'real world'.
Four pictures from the walk, which to me look strangely like clues from a who-done-it film. I told you I was in a strange state of mind...