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50,000 Visits

I've lost my voice recently. By this I don't me I'm hoarse and having to whisper, I mean I've not been able to write. As a consequence my blog has been neglected, stuck on pause for a few weeks. It's never happened before even when I've been incredibly busy and stressed I've still enjoyed making time to gather my thoughts and write an entry. Strangely it coincided with my all time page visits for this blog clicking past the 50,000 mark and one of my posts reaching 1000 visits on it's own. I know this is small fry compared to the big boys but I'm thrilled that my little endeavour has found an audience and I'm constantly heartened and encouraged by visitor's positive remarks. 

Three pictures here taken in Nottinghamshire a few weeks ago. We stayed in a log cabin in Sherwood Forest right next to Edwinstowe, the village my mother in law was born in. She doesn't live there now but in the ex mining town of Hucknall, half an hour away by car. It has become a tradition that we drive her back to the forest so that she can visit her own mum's resting place and place flowers on her grave stone. Her father's grave is in a different churchyard a short walk away so we can easily visit that too. They died almost fifty years apart, her father dying as a young man and her mother living into old age, which concept always makes me have the odd image of them meeting as people of different generations in an afterlife. 

Apart from my strange thoughts it is never a morbid occasion but rather a way of acknowledging the cycle of life and remembering how as humans we are connected to places by our personal histories.

So here's to lots more visits, both with the mother in law to Edwinstowe and to my blog as I think I'm finding my voice once more. 


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