I've often found the book
I'm reading permeates into the pictures I make. I suppose that's what
most creative undertakings are, a meeting of ones internal world and the world
happening around us. I've become a little obsessed with science fiction of late
and I'm now reading Isaac Asimov's robot series written in the 1950's and set
1000 years in the future. They are beautifully descriptive books full of ideas
about humanity and shockingly farsighted, imagining equivalents of the internet
and FaceTime, but also social and attitudinal changes as a result of
technology. I remember my dad reading the books when I was a child, and being
fascinated by the tatty paperback covers that were illustrated with gaudy
1960's ideas of a far future. Ironically I'm reading them on an e-reader, a
cultural shift in itself.
When I started to look
through my pictures from Antwerp I felt I could see the influence of the books
on my subconscious and so here is my small nod to Asimov.