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Showing posts from 2011


Time seems to pass at a different speed over the Christmas period.

Holy Island

At last some time to make photographs, and test out my cute new camera. Driving off Holy Island just as the sun sets, all of us freezing cold but exhilarated.


I have some work in the Manchester Contemporary art fair, thanks to Axis: You can see a short interview with me here:

Welsh diptych

The percentage of pictures that I take by the coast seems to have reached an all time high, it's no good I'll have to move.

Animals & Celebrities

Watching the Genius of Photography (episode 2 actually) today for the umpteenth time reminded me that I'd taken this photograph in the summer and not looked at it properly. I was reminded by Atget's images of Paris that were loved by the emerging surrealists, many of which were of course shop windows. Someone should make a series called The Genius of The Genius of Photography, it's so well made.

Exhibition Countdown - August 11

I'm involved in this project, please come along if you can, preview this Thursday from 6pm at Mad Lab in Manchester. Mad Lab website A Family Of website Twice Removed Exhibition Twice Removed Title:  Twice Removed Location:  MadLab Description:  Twice Removed is an exhibition of experimental new project by photography collective ‘A Family Of…’ Start Date:  12 August 2011 Start Time:  11:00 End Date:  3 September 2011 End Time:  17:00 Exhibition is not open on Sunday The broad themes of the project are ‘connection’  and ‘ relationship’.  Our working method for this exhibition reflects our collaborative approach:  each member of the group producing a series of visual starting points, the project has evolved by each person visually responding to any of these to make work that creates a dialogue with each others work. As the project develops the images will make connections with other images, not just through common themes a...

Full Frame

Funny how so many photographers are spending £2000 on a full frame DSLR, when there are plenty of really well made 'original' full frame cameras out there. Like this little fella my dad found at a car boot and posted to me this week. Shot a test roll on Sunday, scanned on Monday, what an impressive lens and every exposure spot on. I know it's vulgar to talk about cameras but it's a very important part of the process of making photographs. I've yet to meet the right digital camera for me... had a fling with a G5 and an on/off relationship with an LX-2, but DSLRs just don't appeal.


I spent a good few years of my childhood being driven around in the back of a Bedford van, pretty sure it was yellow though. I remember a blazing hot summer when we moved house from the town out to the country, making loads of journeys. But the thing that sticks in my mind was that I was allowed to rattle around in the back with the sliding door wide open to keep cool. Anyway wanted to do this beauty proud when I found her recently. MY WEBSITE

Lost in London

I've no sense of direction and so these photographs were taken whilst stumbling around East London trying to find my way out. I'm also disorganised and so the negatives got lost under the desk pile after their journey from the processors for a few months and I've only just got around to scanning them.

I need a holiday

I didn't realise I was collecting these, but I'm obviously drawn to giant ice creams...


Greetings followers.  Strangely since my last post windows have stayed in my mind. They are such a perfect subject for photography as they present a frame from the outset. They also tap into the voyeuristic nature of the medium (well for me anyway) and give you a little snapshot of other peoples worlds through that reflective pane of glass. One image that comes to mind when thinking about photography and windows is Brett Weston's black and white picture of what is essentially a hole or a void. Abstract, beautiful and a bit scary, it makes me think about the big things in life. Anyway here are two of my new pictures made in Manchester recently along with Brett's masterpiece. Copyright Marc Provins 2011 Brett Weston, Broken Window, 1937


Maybe I'll start a series on Manchester windows...

Other People

I've been thinking about other people's responses to my work recently. I find if I'm not taking many photographs myself or suffering from a lack of focus, I return to my older work and think about what I was trying to achieve and what pearls of wisdom were passed my way at the time. For some reason I've returned to a body of work I called In-between, made in 2005 and exhibited in Antwerp in 2005/6. The work was all made on the London Underground and was an attempt at 'anonymous portraits'. One of the constant threads through my work is an examination of how we relate to the physical world around us, how we make and mark places and spaces and how we move around these. This particular set of photographs was continuing to develop my thoughts on temporary and transient spaces. The work was actually made on a compact digital camera, with me standing on an Underground train platform, taking pictures of the passengers moving in and out of the stations, hence the bl...

The End is Nigh...

Well the end of my exhibition at Untitled Gallery, Manchester. If you've not had a chance to get along you have until this Sunday to immerse yourself in my creative efforts. Enjoy!


A couple of new images in my Horizon series... one is from the north, one from the south of England, one is male, one is female, any guesses, places or faces? Some of the previous photographs can be seen here:

This is not America...

This is Helsinki. The finnish seem to have a penchant for large American cars. I felt like I was in a Stephen Shore photograph. The light was flat, even and short lived in autumn. It is unnaturally clean compared to Manchester with cultural shadows cast by Sweden in the west and Russia in the east.

Exhibition View

Well just a little reminder that the exhibition 'In Front of Me' runs until the 17th April if you've not had a chance to visit yet. Here are a few images of the works in the gallery to whet your appetite. There are still some works available to purchase as well if anyone is looking for Mother's Day gift ideas (never could do the sales person bit!).

Exhibition Countdown

Its very strange having someone write about your work, but I really like what Katie from Untitled Gallery has written about my relationship with photography: In Front of Me is a selection of untitled works by Manchester-based photographer Marc Provins. Produced from 2009 onwards, the works are taken from Provins’ ongoing Found series in which the artist photographs commonplace objects of the built environment, transforming the quotidian by “looking at and eventually framing a simple subject, quietly observing the unnoticed.” Provins’ use of medium-format film captures the depth of detail inherent in his discoveries, such as the flattened, dead hedgehog spread across a stretch of tarmac, or the candy-floss coloured fairground horse set against an exotic tiled backdrop. By pinpointing the detail of a subject, the artist is able to “unravel the complex and cluttered world we have made for ourselves,” especially when the man-made encounters nature such as the lone pink Rhododendron ami...

Melancholy Mannequin

I rarely give my images titles but if I was to title this one it would be Melancholy Mannequin. Taken exactly a year ago on one of my  Devon  visits, she was spotted gazing longingly out of a Sidmouth shop window, which looked as if it hadn't changed in several decades.

In Front of Me

I have an exhibition coming up, all invited of course. In Front of Me 5th March - 17th April Preview: Friday 4th March, 6 - 9pm Untitled Gallery Friends' Meeting House 6 Mount Street Bootle Street Entrance Manchester M2 5NS A big thanks to Crowdfunder and my followers for helping me raise money for frames and prints.

Black Dog

I hope I get to see this exhibition before it finishes, otherwise I'll just have to get the book. IN ALMOST EVERY PICTURE #9 /

Soft Eyes

I seem to be going back in time  at the moment  and finding more value in photographers work from other eras. Is that something to do with getting older or just being out of step?  I was really excited to read this quote by Henry Wessel in Photography After Frank, a collection of essays by Philip Gefter: "Part of it has to do with the discipline of being actively receptive. At the core of this receptivity is a process that might be called soft eyes. It is a physical sensation. You are not looking for something. You are open, receptive. At some point you are in front of something that you cannot ignore." Of course he's talking about the process of going for a walk with your camera and the state he needs to enter to take photographs. Well it sent shivers down my spine as that describes so articulately what I do. I've got a thing for hedges too! Henry Wessel - Santa Barbara, 1977 Henry Wessel -  San Francisco, 1972